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  • You can click on the property name to go to the property page to see all the property facilities

  • You can contact the hotel and make a request for early or late check-in 2 to 3 days before your arrival.

  • It depends on the property’s policy, you can contact the property directly 1-2 days before your arrival to make your request.Note that there is no guarantee that your request will be met

Yes you can update and make changes once you Sign Up with us whenever you want to:
  • No, you cannot change the guest name, email address once your booking is confirmed.

  • Visit our Help Center to talk to customer support personnel and send pictures of the mis-match. If you had to pay an extra fee, send a screenshot of the payment receipt to prove your payment.
  • Yes, you can request from the property directly.
    • Check the Booking feature on your personalised dashboard.

  • You can find the list of meals included in your booking on the confirmation email sent to you. You can contact the property directly to request for extra meals 1-2 days before your arrival.
    • Yes you can use the Help feature to connect directly to our customer support for your request.

    • You get confirmation mail immediately your booking is confirmed, this should take 3 minutes or less. You can check your spam/Junk folder if you can’t find it in your inbox.

    • You can check your Spam/Junk or the Booking section of your dashboard.

    Yes you can update and make changes once you Sign Up with us whenever you want to:
    • Confirmation emails are sent immediately and your booking is confirmed. You can check your spam/Junk folder if you can’t find it in your inbox.

  • You get confirmation mail immediately your booking is confirmed, this should take 3 minutes or less. You can check your spam/Junk folder if you can’t find it in your inbox. You can contact the Help center for any other assistance
    • You can use your promo codes, coupons and promotional link to book selected properties that are open for that promo.Look out for properties that have Promo or discount indication on them.

    • No, your Alleycian benefits are highlighted once you earn your points

    • Look out for properties offering discounts for group traveling. Look out for Family deal seasons if you subscribe to our newsletter

    Yes you can update and make changes once you Sign Up with us whenever you want to:
    • Yes, offers Long stay discounts and coupons for special occasions.

    • You can cancel your booking any time, cancellation fee is dependent on the property booked as listed on the cancellation policy.

    • If there is a cancellation fee on your booked property, you will have to pay or if there is a non-refundable policy from the property owners you will not be refunded. If you have a free cancellation, you will not have to pay a fee.

    • You can not change dates in non-refundable properties. If a property allows free cancellation, you can change your travel dates within 48 hours of booking.

    • You can find property policy under your booking confirmation

  • Guests cannot make changes such as dates, guest name and email address.
  • Once your booking is canceled, you will receive a confirmation email in your inbox, spam/junk folder. Your refund fee processing time will depend on your bank.
    • You Sign Up by clicking on the Sign-Up button on the Home page to create your listing
    • You can then go ahead to fill up all necessary information required for your property to be listed

    • You can makes changes to your calendar, pricing and property type
    • Confirm that your Listing is correct and accurate
    • Once your Property is Verified, you can go ahead and make it open for bookings.

    • Once your Listing is confirmed and accurate, your property goes online immediately.
    • Your property will have to be verified before you can start accepting bookings

    Yes you can update and make changes once you Sign Up with us whenever you want to:
    • You are free to update your properties once you list any new property
    • You can also update your damage rules or policies and so on

    Pictures are one of those things guests look out for when browsing through looking for a place to stay so they will love to have a view of the property before they book, we advise you to upload quality pictures of both the inside and outside of your property.It is also highly recommended that you upload pictures of attractive luxuries that guests can enjoy during their stay at your property

    Once a guest books a stay at your property, it is automatically confirmed online so it saves you the stress of going through every bookings/requests.

    • Global Recognition: We will market your property across all our digital platforms and search engines such as Google, yahoo and bingo to give the online presence you deserve. This makes your property appear at the top of the search results whenever customers search online for bookings at your location.
    • Security: At we take our time to verify all properties listed to avoid illegal copy of your property. We also encrypt your details to avoid phishing from third party or hackers
    • 24/7 Customer Service: We guarantee you professional customer support and helplines at your fingertips to guide you through whenever you need any help to avoid common mistakes or issues with guests.
    • Insights and Analytics: We will provide you with a daily appraisal report of how your property is performing and things you need to improve on. We also offer you with info on what’s trending in the world of travels.
    • Guest reviews: We allow guests to leave you realistic and verified reviews which helps other guests to make the decision of booking their stay with you.

    If your property has no cancellation fee, the guest pays nothing and you will not be charged commission for that. But if you have a cancellation fee and the guest pays a fee, you will be charged commission.

    You will not pay commission for a guest when a guest did not show up unless you charge for it then you will have to pay commission.